Marble blast ultra 2 pc
Marble blast ultra 2 pc

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  3. #Marble blast ultra 2 pc mac#

I don't come across as challenged, because I can read and write on a college level, but that's about as far as my skills come, and every other skill atrophies at a elementary school level or lower. I was unable to fight for my own autonomy, it seemed liked, simply because my brain doesn't work too well. Talks about individual home tutoring (a thing that did happen for a while) and potentially even staying in high school longer than the 4 required years (which I was certainly not going to do) in order to graduate properly. Things like "special education" and "developmentally disabled". Terminology that would follow me throughout my life, come to define me, not just by my standards but by societal standards to boot. Not that that kept me from hearing the things they said about me. They made me sit outside the mobile building and entertain myself while they decided my future, and since I could bring my laptop, I did, and I played this the entire time. During this time, one afternoon, my parents had a meeting with a few other higher ups in the school system, trying to figure out what exactly to do with me.

marble blast ultra 2 pc

It's colorful, it's bright, it's very simple, and that appealed to me. I was the latter.īut it's no real surprise, even beyond my gaming hobby and genre adoration, that I wound up having this title as a special interest. Sure, you could easily sit down and play a few levels at a time, but you could also easily sit down only meaning to play a few levels at a time, look up, and realize it's 8 hours later. Not unlike Marble Madness which came before it, it follows a very basic formula, but one that's incredibly addicting and, if I may say so, was if anything the precursor to mobile games, in terms of how they functioned and how they kept you interested. Obviously I'm a sucker for platformers, but even moreso I'm a sucker for unique platformers, and Marble Blast Ultra was definitely unique.

#Marble blast ultra 2 pc download#

I became so good at it that I not only 100% the base game and had to download mods, but I lost all interest in any other games I might've been playing at the time.

marble blast ultra 2 pc

it was the only thing I did for months at a time. Sure you can set your own records, beat those records, even go after other peoples records, but it's nothing if not shallow, and yet. You play as a little marble, trying to clear obstacles courses and collect gems.

#Marble blast ultra 2 pc free#

As of today, it's actually free to download, which is pretty neat, and it had a sequel, Marble Blast Ultra, back on the 360 arcade. Marble Blast Gold, for the uninitiated, is a title developed by Garage Games and published by Monster Studios, both super generic names for companies I, likely understandably, have never heard from since.

marble blast ultra 2 pc

#Marble blast ultra 2 pc mac#

My stepfather was a major Mac user, so we all had Mac hardware, and with them, the games that came preinstalled, one such being Marble Blast Gold. Between hearing a voice telling me to hurt myself and a diet made up entirely of diet coke and salsa, which only exacerbated my anorexia, I became a total hermit. During this time, I spent all my time at home - once my folks officially pulled me out of school and began to look for other options - simply using my laptop in my bedroom all day long. At the time I was in heavy therapy, on heavy medication and failing every class. I didn't return to school for months, as a result.

marble blast ultra 2 pc

When I was a sophomore in highschool, I had a complete and total nervous breakdown.Īround the December holidays, I came home from school one afternoon and flat out told my parents I wouldn't be returning to school after vacation.

Marble blast ultra 2 pc